lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Berber Origins & Fake Genealogies

Berber Origins & Fake Genealogies:

The Berbers’ supposed Iberian, Cretan, Canaanite or/and Yemenite origins are wholly unfounded, if not colonially impostored to divide and ruin, as anthropologists and historical linguists are increasingly pointing to the native nature of the Berbers. Regarding Ibn Khaldun's widely-quoted Berber ancestors, Olwen Brogan points out that his genealogies are “as artificial as are most similar genealogies.” While specific Oric Bates states that ”The literary opinion generally current among the Arab writers acknowledged several lines of descent for the various groups of Berbers, each group being referred to an imaginary, and usually eponymous, ancestor.” 
The histories of al-Bakari and Ibn Qotaybah (who identified the Berbers with the vanquished Philistines and the giant Goliath) Ibn Khaldun calls a "mistake". So are those genealogies tracing the Berbers to Yemen, H'imir or Ber-Bin-Qis, which according to the anonymous author of Mafakher Al-Barbar (‘The Boasts of the Berbers') are false and exist only in the minds of "jahilite" (1312 AD, p. 78).
In relation to the Berbers' Canaanite origin, who adopted the language of the conquered Hamites, myth has it both Phoenix and Cadmus were the sons of Agenor, the son of goddess "Libya" by Poseidon, who left Egypt to settle in the land of Canaan; and thus one reads in Genesis (09: 22): “Ham [is] the father of Canaan” (not vice versa). Unfortunately, both sources are now deemed by science unfit to recorded history; while the science of linguistics does confirm Hamitic languages are much older than both Semitic and Indo-European languages.
It is probably because of these and similar other influences, like Oric Bates had said, “The Byzantine historian Procopius has, like  Sallust, preserved a story of African origins which reflect this tendency on the part of the Libyans to relate their remote ancestry to Asia  Minor.” 
In fact Ibn Khaldun himself, nearly 700 years ago, made it clear that people "chose" to relate their origin to Semitic ancestors because Sam had five profits when Ham had none. One can only wish prosperity for the "chosen ones", and equally hope mercy and forgiveness for the "cursed" son of Ham – the "servant of servants" Genesis says (09:25).
In addition to the above genealogies, relating our biological origin to eponymous male-ancestors, "mitochondrial DNA" genes trace all modern humans back to one female ancestor scientists called "African Eve", who lived 100,000 years ago, in, Africa.

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